Master's Programs

Student Life

Master’s students at Brown University thrive in a vibrant and nurturing community that fosters personal and professional development.

Dedicated support for your studies, your career and you.

Whether you're on campus or online – a dedicated team at the Center for Master’s Student Excellence will support you with various resources to excel at Brown and beyond.

Center for Master's Student Excellence

At Brown, we believe in nurturing not just the intellect but the individual. Discover the support available for your academics, health and well-being, finances and more.
With an eye to equity and the goal of inclusivity, our diverse career services and professional development programs are designed to support career exploration, open doors to meaningful connections and empower leaders.
There's more to master's student life than what happens in the classroom. Explore social events, activities and involvement opportunities that foster community, enhance your skills and add some fun to your schedule.

*Please note, MFA students are supported by their departments.

Additional Resources

“ Remember, you're not alone. You have a fantastic support system here at Brown. So, go ahead and make connections, build relationships and thrive in this amazing community. ”

Yihan Gao ‘24 Sc.M. Engineering